The Ultimate Business Startup Checklist

Starting your own business is probably one of the most important decisions of your life. Depending on your preparedness, it can be daunting or smooth-sailing. One of the most challenging tasks is knowing what all things need to be done to start your own business. This checklist is intended to help you answer that questions and provide a comprehensive list that you can check off. You can either start from the top and start checking off or check off items as you complete them according to your convenience.
Decide what your business is about.
Based on your interests, passion, strengths, and also based on market trends, opportunities, and profitability, shortlist your top 3 business ideas. Decide on the final business that you are most comfortable funding or financing it. This is a very important step that will drive rest of your business checklist.
Validate your business idea for viability
Do some more market research on potential customers, their problems that need to be solved, competitors, products/services in the market, price points and barriers to entry. Interview potential customers about your potential products/services and proposed price points to validate your business.
Business Plan
The thoroughness of your business plan depends a lot on your funding sources. If you are planning to fund it yourself, you can get away with a brief and a one-page business plan to capture the most important items. If you are seeking funding from external sources (banks or venture capital), you need to invest in a thorough business plan.
The key elements of a business plan are:
Formal organizational structure
Financing and Accounting
Facilities, Location, Equipment and Hiring
By this time, you’d have made a key decision on the type of business i.e. online business, home business, consulting/advisory business or a business that needs a physical location (retail or wholesale). Online, home, and consulting type of businesses do not need a physical location separate from your home. If you are planning to use your home, please make sure that you have obtained appropriate city / state licenses and adequate insurance to run your business. Here is the detailed checklist in this section.
Brand your business
A unique and differentiated brand identity is important for any business. Key brand elements are:
Market and launch your business
A unique and differentiated brand identity is important for any business. Key brand elements are:
We hope this comprehensive checklist will get you started quickly. Please feel free to read more articles like these at RameshDontha.Com.